The adventures of Black Magic

Thinking about my current drinking habits and it seems that a lot of my dating disasters have been formed from using dutch courage, to give me the extra push that I need. This story will start off no differently…

A couple of years ago, I was at my friend’s sister’s 21st and was knocking back the red like usual. I was getting loud and obnoxious. We left the party. I am still confused as to why we left the party, but I was drunk and easily lead. We ended up in the city at Melbourne Central, as it has cinemas and non drinking entertainment, the drunk Bridie walked straight up to a sober gentleman, who blew me away. He was gorgeous. His head was like an upside down triangle. If I could draw, I would create a comic book character based on this guy. He was perfection and he knew it. He was probably 5’7, a solid little rig, you could tell that under his clothes, his arms were massive and maybe he had abs of steel, well I dreamt that he had abs of steel. I asked him how tall he was and he said “10cm and shrinking”. So he did have a funny sense of humour. His smile was dazzling and he smelt amazing. We chatted, I have no idea what I was talking about, because it was a drunken, excited ramble, but he and his mate, either thought I was crazy or entertaining. They were from Africa and studying here. I must have been crazy drunk, because I took a pic of him with him knowing and put my number in his phone. My friends ended up dragging me away…

Flash forward to two months later…I’m in bed and receive a message from an odd number. It’s him! I consider not partaking in this game, as it is TWO MONTHS LATER. But I don’t, as he is gorgeous and I shouldn’t be rude. We find out that we go to the same university. I have no idea what this guys name is. None. So when he messages me at uni one day to meet up quickly, I take my beautiful and willing friend and make her introduce herself to him. We walk up to him, my friend shakes his hand…We still have no idea what his name is…He said it under his breath and we couldn’t understand. She tried. It took everything I had not to burst out laughing. We had some small talk and when he walked away he looked back at me and bit his lip, like ‘damn’. I blushed furiously. This guy was so beautiful, it made my heart flutter. There were hundreds of texts, an embarrassing coffee date. He kept on mentioning that he would be free when the semester ended and we would hang out, that seemed normal.

We ended up going to the movies, I was nervous but keen to date this guy. He would hold my hand and smile at me reassuringly. We made out in the movie and I could tell that this guy had game. So my friends and I would refer to him as black magic. We walked around the city and he took me back to his apartment. The view was unbelievable and boy was this guy smooth. I let myself go in the moment, even though I was nervous. So what if he never called me again? Actually I would be shattered and when I was leaving the next afternoon, I had feared that I had played this all wrong. It turns out that I had nothing to worry about and we continued talking, but I still didn’t know his name :/ I had devised a plan, hoping that he would show me some mail maybe, ok so I was running low of ideas and I am probably the worlds worst investigator. He did want to show me some letter from Uni and I finally saw his name but had no idea how to pronounce it and pretty much forgot how to spell it instantly. I think it started with an A.  We went to the movies again and then back to his apartment again. I asked about his housemate, a Chinese girl that was also studying and had gone back to China for her holidays. While we were talking about her, it dawned on me that they were together. My brain when into overdrive and had to be extremely clear, we both got defensive. “Girls do come up to me like you did that night, that isn’t the first time that it has happened.” I was baffled, did he really just say that. How much does this guy love himself! Suddenly the rose coloured glasses were ripped off my face and I returned back to the confident Bridie “Ok, but what about your housemate, are you with her?” The cartoon character that was lying next to me in what was probably her bed, started the excuses but I wanted to make sure that we didn’t get lost in translation. “When she is here, I don’t see other girls, she is way more into me, than I am into her” So now it made sense as to why we had to wait for the end of the semester to go out on a date, she would be out of the country. I laughed in disbelief “Well I hope that she is getting her fucked out of her brains right now”. That comment seemed to sting and he assured me that she wouldn’t have been. I got ready to leave, he didn’t see what the problem was. I was furious and just kept on laughing at the situation. How was I so naive? I told him not to bother contacting my again but he insisted that I should not walk through the city by myself and walked me to my car. We did not say a word. The next day he sent picture messages back of me. Is this the modern day equivalent of saying here are your photos back? Because if it is, it doesn’t really work, he still has the pictures haha. I never spoke to him or saw him again. Or even knew his name…

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